null Global Committee elections are coming up! See the election repository for more information.

This chapter is not active currently

Galgotias University, Greater Noida [Status - InActive] [Student Chapter] Chapter Uttar Pradesh Export Calendar

Chapter Status: Inactive

Note The chapter has been marked as inactive because of no availability of leadership or inactivity.

If you are reading this and are interested in stepping up as a chapter lead or revive the chapter. Feel free to reach out to [email protected] or @[email protected]. Thank you very much

Galgotia's University Null Student Chapter: Your Gateway to Cybersecurity
The Galgotia's University Null Student Chapter is a student-run initiative focused on raising cybersecurity awareness and fostering a culture of digital safety among their peers. Part of the wider Null Community.This group provides a platform for students to:

Learn: Attend workshops and events on various cybersecurity topics, from online threat protection to social media privacy.

Engage: Discuss current cybersecurity issues, share knowledge, and collaborate on projects.

Explore: Get introduced to the exciting field of cybersecurity and explore potential career paths in this ever-growing domain.

By demystifying cybersecurity and creating a welcoming environment, the Null Student Chapter empowers Galgotia's students to become responsible digital citizens and potentially, future cybersecurity professionals.


No upcoming event for this chapter.
No past event for this chapter.