
  • Minhaz is the main contributor to OWASP CSRF Protector
  • The session would cover basic introduction on what CSRF is and how it is exploited.
  • The session would cover introduction to OWASP CSRF Protector, how it has been implemented and what all features it comes with.
  • The session would also be an attempt to gather feedbacks around improvement and enhancements.

OWASP CSRF Protector Project is an effort by a group of developers in securing web applications against Cross Site Request Forgery, providing php library and an Apache Module (to be used differently) for easy mitigation.


Minhaz A V

Open Source Enthusiast, with great love for free software!
Any matter related to Information Security, Javascript, SAAS are area of my interest!
Contributor to OWASP, Mozilla & PhpMyAdmin


Starts at Saturday September 20 2014, 05:45 PM. The sessions runs for 30 minutes.
