
Configure following things to have optimal use of time:

1) You need to have Android Studio downloaded and configured with latest OS Image downloaded for emulator
reference link Creating Emulator - http://nestedif.com/android-environment-tools/creating-new-android-virtual-device-emulator-using-android-studio/
2) Virtualization enabled from BIOS settings
3) Download Burp proxy - https://portswigger.net/burp/download.html
4) APKTool - https://ibotpeaches.github.io/Apktool/
5) Dex2Jar - https://sourceforge.net/projects/dex2jar/
6) JDGUI - http://jd.benow.ca/
7) Drozer - https://labs.mwrinfosecurity.com/tools/drozer


Major components to be seen - Local storage, inspecting app binary, Webview / API communication.

Discussion about tools used in Android Security Assessment.

ADB / Android Monitor for App installations - Local Storage
APK Tool - Dex2jar - JDGUI for Reversing APK
Burp for intercepting HTTP/HTTPS communication
Drozer for Dynamic security assessment (as per time availability)


Kartik Lalan


Starts at Saturday October 08 2016, 09:30 AM. The sessions runs for about 2 hours.
