Leveraging power of SDR(Software Defined Radio) null Chennai Meet 23 September 2017 Combined NULL OWASP Meet
Leveraging power of SDR(Software Defined Radio)
root@cjhackerz-net:~# whoami
Hey there, I am CJHackerz aka Chirag Jariwala, in the world of cyber security I have been in the space since BackTrack5 (older version kali Linux) days. Most of my skills are self taught through persistent learning despite challenges or environment I have been put through in life.
root@cjhackerz-net:~# ./certs.sh
- Red Hat Certified System Administrator: https://www.redhat.com/rhtapps/certification/verify/?certId=160-200-614
- Offensive Security Certified Professional: https://www.credly.com/badges/79d06ac8-7b5a-46e2-a886-b32a895dee60
- Associate CISSP: https://www.credly.com/badges/398f1d1b-baf0-45f0-bf15-88f884f9f246/public_url
root@cjhackerz-net:~# ./work_profile.py
- Application Security Engineer - Aylo Corp
- IoT security researcher - Securelayer7
Starts at Saturday September 23 2017, 03:45 PM. The sessions runs for about 1 hour.