
  1. Launching a single node cluster
  2. Launching multi node cluster using Kubeadm
  3. Deploying containers using Kubectl
  4. Deploying containers using YAML
  5. Deploying your own Guestbook
  6. Networking in Kubernetes
  7. Understanding Ingress routing
  8. Kubernetes containerization healthchecks
  9. Getting started with Kubeadm(CRI-O)
  10. Running stateful services within Kubernetes
  11. Using Kubernetes to manage passwords
  12. Deploying docker-compose through kubernetes
  13. Deploying into kubernetes directly through the source
  14. Introduction to Weave and using it on Kubernetes
  15. Going Serverless on Kubernetes


Mihir Shah


Starts at Saturday July 20 2019, 01:00 PM. The sessions runs for about 4 hours.
