
The main purpose of this workshop is to make you feel more confident about coding and programming language.
After the event you will be able to:
- Code in any programming and scripting language.
- Take away a new and unique learning approach.
- Adopt any technology quick and deep.
- Walk out of the room with a new perspective.
- Feel that coding is fun again!
- Think like hacker ;)

Pre requisite:
- At least basic programming knowledge
- OS Windows and Linux Both
All the following in your host machine.
- Python2.x or Python3.x
- Ruby 2.6 stable version
- ActivePerl 5.26 or 5.28
- Php 5.x or 7.x


Bhashit Pandya

I am a security enthusiast!


Starts at Saturday October 19 2019, 10:00 AM. The sessions runs for about 8 hours.
