
Abstract: In the peak of digital era, cyber criminals are committing crimes in-the-wild. The speaker will discuss few emerging cyber crimes, Indian cyber crime laws, Intellectual Property Rights and also the challenges faced by cyber crime warriors (Law enforcement professionals) in action.

Speaker Bio: Sarwar Jahan works as a Senior Enterprise Security Engineer at Salesforce. He has 10+ years of experience and is passionate about learning and sharing knowledge with the AppSec community.


Sarwar Jahan M

I'm an eThicaL hAckeR, passionate about learning new technologies and sharing knowledge with the community.
I'm working as Senior Enterprise Security Engineer @ Salesforce with expertise in Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing(VA/PT), Secure Code Review(SCR), Secure Design Review (SDR), secure SDLC and Bug Bounty.
I also run a non-profit initiative InfoSecCamp to spread information security awareness.


Starts at Saturday January 20 2024, 11:30 AM. The sessions runs for about 1 hour.
