Introduction to eBPF for Beginners null Pune Meet 15 June 2024 Monthly Meet
eBPF (extended Berkeley Packet Filter) has emerged as a powerful tool in the realm of modern systems programming, networking, observability and security. This talk aims to provide an accessible entry point for beginners into the world of eBPF technology. The talk will start with the foundational concepts of eBPF, offering an understanding of its purpose and capabilities. Participants will gain insights into how eBPF enables safe and efficient programmability within the Linux kernel, what use cases it aims to solve and its Industry usage.
Experienced Software and Security Engineering professional.
Primary interests are Security, Linux, Malware, eBPF, Containers, K8s, WebAssembly, Rust
Loves working on the command-line.
Mostly interested in low-level software and understanding how things work.
Starts at Saturday June 15 2024, 11:15 AM. The sessions runs for about 1 hour.