Bitcoins: Crypto in action null Pune Meet 23 January 2016 Monthly
We will start from basic of bitcoins (i.e. mining, usage etc.) and then proceed to basic crypto used in bitcoins (focus will be on how instead of boring what). Then, we will try to understand distributed consensus logic and incentive sharing scheme which keep this system going. The talk will conclude with speculation about future of crypto currencies.
Sr. Security Researcher @ SecurityTube. Ex core firmware developer @ Mojo Networks (previously known as Airtight Networks, known for No. 1 WIPS worldwide). Masters in Info. Sec. from IIITD. Mainly interested in WiFi security, Cryptography and Forensics. Feel free to connect with me @
Starts at Saturday January 23 2016, 10:20 AM. The sessions runs for about 1 hour.