Android "Fight Club" : In pursuit of APPiness null Delhi NCR Humla 30 April 2016 Android "Fight Club" : In pursuit of APPiness
1. Basics of android and android applications
2. Privilege and permission in android
3. Let's get friendly
4. Building the virtual machine/environment
- Installing AppUse/Droider
- Android Studio
- Genymotion
- All other small and big tools
5. Static Analysis of the application
- APK DE-compilation
- Jar, DEX, SMALI ...
- Finding what you are looking for
- SSL Pinning and bypass
- Recompiling the apk
- Insecure Storage
6. Dynamic analysis of the application
- Exported components and issues
- What to do with a broadcast?
- Capturing the application traffic
- Finding new scope and getting ahead of masses
- Web related vulnerabilities
- Session manipulation
- Drozer and its power
- Run time execution
7. Most common mobile vulnerabilities and how to find them
8. Earning money, the cool way
- Great sense of humor
- Lack of shyness while asking questions
- Love towards application security
- Movie buff
- Basics of android security
- Laptop: 8GB RAM, 50 GB free HDD, Android Mobile/Tab
With the unconditional love towards security, be it applications or networks, I have been hacking since 9+ years. Founded ENCIPHERS, a security consulting and training company.
Starts at Thursday April 28 2016, 01:45 PM. The sessions runs for about 3 hours.