Pixel Dust Attack null Dubai Meet 22 July 2016 Monthly Meet
Dominique Bongard discovered that some APs have weak ways of generating nonces (known as E-S1 and E-S2) that are supposed to be secret. If we are able to figure out what these nonces are, we can easily find the WPS PIN of an AP since the AP must give it to us in a hash in order to prove that it also knowns the PIN, and the client is not connecting to a rouge AP. These E-S1 and E-S2 are essentially the "keys to unlock the lock box" containing the WPS pin. You can kind of think of the whole thing as an algebra problem, if we know all but 1 variable in an equation, we just have to solve for x. X in this case is the WPS pin.
Starts at Friday July 22 2016, 07:00 PM. The sessions runs for about 1 hour.