null Global Committee elections are coming up! See the election repository for more information.

Null offensive hacking hands-on training.

Proposed sessions for this event:

  • Python for Pentesters by Shubham Mittal
  • Python for Pentesters by Abhinav Chourasia
Note: The session details including schedule are available below.


This will be a basic ​hands-on ​python ​session from a pentest perspective.​ The primary goal of this Humla Session would be to learn and develop a bunch of small python programs, which you can take home. :P​ ​
Once we have an understanding of automating small tasks, we will join them together and we will leverage our learning for our on-the-go "small" hacking challenge.
We will kick-off with a typical Hello World program and will go upto writing a crawler or may be a monitoring bot.
Winners will grab chocolates which they can share with Humla Champion​(s).


  • Environment Setup
  • Basics of Python: Variable, loops, lists, dictionaries, libraries
  • Write python code: read/write request, parse content
  • Putting these tasks together. Do big work, may be write a crawler, or may be some intelligent bot
  • HackIt on the go.


  • Basic knowledge of pe​n-testing. (so that you understand what exactly are we trying to do in this session).
  • A laptop (with ability to connect to wifi network), unless you have a folk whom you can disturb all the time. Also try to get one with full privileged access.
  • Download and install Python 2.7. We will not cover Python 3, so download and install pytho​n 2.7 only
  • Download and install Notepad++ or any other editor in which you feel like a ninja while coding.

A​bout your champion

Shubham is an InfoSec professional with area of interests lying in PT, OSINT and Network Forensics. In his free time he explores niche blogs and tries his luck with bug bounties, or ride his bike.
Abhinav is a security researcher with his current taste in mobile security. He loves to dig deep and loves python. He is a cross-fit enthusiast and hunts bugs for fun and frolic.

Date Saturday November 07 2015
Chapter Bangalore
Registrations 56
Max Registrations Unlimited
Event Type Invite Only
Start Time 09:30 AM
End Time 05:30 PM

Session Schedule

Name Speaker Start Time End Time Resources
Python for Pentesters Shubham Mittal 09:30 AM 01:00 PM
Lunch 01:00 PM 02:00 PM
Python for Pentesters Abhinav Chourasia 02:00 PM 05:30 PM


This is an invite only event. If you are selected you will receive further information via e-mail.