null Global Committee elections are coming up! See the election repository for more information.

General hands-on event.

Proposed sessions for this event:

  • Python School of Security - Class 3 by Bharath
  • Python School of Security - Class 3 by Abhinav Chourasia
Note: The session details including schedule are available below.

Please ensure you read the "Important Instructions" given below

Python School of Security - Class 3

This is the second workshop of a 6 part series on Python programming for security professionals. A detailed road-map of the series can be found here: Detailed Road-map of all 6 Classes

The Art of Packet Crafting with Scapy

Workshop overview

  • This is an intense workshop on crafting packets using Python and Scapy.
  • We’ll understand Scapy framework and craft packets using it.
  • We’ll leverage Scapy to build custom network tools/utilities (Why custom tools? Will be discussed in the session).

Concepts covered

  • Practical network recon techniques like host discovery, service discovery, remote OS detection, promiscuous node detection using Scapy.
  • Launching Layer 2 attacks.
  • Leverage Scapy to build custom tools/utilities such as network sniffers, scanners and pcap analyzers (Why? Will be discussed in the session).

Skill prerequisites

  • Basics of Python programming (strings, lists, tuples, functions, loops etc).
  • Knowledge of list comprehensions & lambda functions in Python comes handy (Although we'll cover this in the session, please read/revise about them beforehand).
  • Knowledge of basic networking concepts (Enough to know what an IP address, port number, OSI model etc.).
  • Basic knowledge of Linux command line utilities (like ls, cd, grep, chmod etc.).

What you'll need to bring?

  • Laptop with Administrator access (Mandatory).
  • VirtualBox v5.x installed (Mandatory to have VirtualBox. VMWare users are on their own. The latest version of VirtualBox can be downloaded from:
  • Minimum 2 GB RAM and 15 GB free hard disk space (More the better).
  • Preferably running Linux as primary OS but Windows/Mac is permissible.
  • Preferably, your own Internet connectivity (for additional reading, without which you'll have hard time solving challenges).

What to expect in this session?

  • Intense, hands-on, lab driven approach.
  • Fast paced learning.
  • Exhaustive amount of exercises and challenges.
  • Focus on writing custom tools using Scapy.
  • A CTF at the end of the day.

What NOT to expect in this session?

  • Hand holding for basics (Whatever is mentioned in prerequisites).

Registration process:

Important Instructions (Please read the following carefully):

  • The candidates who fall in either of the below categories will be given higher preference.
    • If you have attended any of the previous Python School of Security sessions.
    • If you had previously received an intimation from the champions/coordinators saying that “You were over qualified for this session”.
  • If you do not fall in either of the above criteria, your selection will be based on first come first serve basis depending on the availability of seats as per the venue we get for the session.
  • In either case, every prospective candidate MUST register for the event. Candidates failing this requirement will NOT be entertained in any case.

Important Dates:

  • Date of the event: Nov 12th 2016, Saturday.
  • Last day for registration: 11:00 P.M. on Nov 8th 2016, Tuesday.
  • Last day for sending out confirmation request mail by null: Nov 9th 2016, Wednesday.
  • Last day for responding with the confirmation response by candidates: 11:00 P.M. on Nov 10th 2016, Thursday.
  • Announcement of final list of selected participants: 10:00 A.M. on Nov 11th 2016, Friday.
  • Venue: To be announced.
Date Saturday November 12 2016
Chapter Bangalore
Registrations 22
Max Registrations Unlimited
Event Type Invite Only
Start Time 09:30 AM
End Time 06:00 PM

Session Schedule

Name Speaker Start Time End Time Resources
Python School of Security - Class 3 Bharath 09:30 AM 06:00 PM
Python School of Security - Class 3 Abhinav Chourasia 09:30 AM 06:00 PM


This is an invite only event. If you are selected you will receive further information via e-mail.