null Global Committee elections are coming up! See the election repository for more information.

n|u Puliya, really short courses for skill bridging.

Puliya means culvert or a small bridge in Hindi.

We have been getting constant feedback about our null Humla and null Bachaav sessions. The feedback is both ways and almost all the champions are of the opinion that there are some essential non-security skills that are sorely lacking in a lot of attendees.

To "bridge" this gap in skills of our members attending the sessions we are starting null Puliya. The idea is to bridge the skill gap and get our members ready to take on advanced topics covered in null Humla and null Bachaav.

Proposed sessions for this event:

  • Automating Documentation, Presentation, Knowledge base using Markdown (Zero to Hero) by Madhu Akula
Note: The session details including schedule are available below.

Automating Documentation, Presentation, Knowledge base using Markdown (Zero to Hero)


Most of us are excellent at doing things, but when it comes to documentation it's one of the boring tasks ever in life. This workshop is primarily focused on how can we automate writing awesome documentation, creating presentations and building knowledge base using Markdown. We will also see some useful tips & tricks to version control everything and building ubercool ebooks using GitBooks.

This entire workshop content can be applied in everyday life including office work, personal projects, many more. We will also look at various tools to automate the workflows like Sublime Text and Plug-ins, reveal-md, Raneto, etc.


  • Laptop with administrative privileges
  • VirtualBox 5.x
  • Minimum 2GB RAM and 10 GB disk space for VM and data


Open to All

Date Saturday February 11 2017
Chapter Bangalore
Registrations 39
Max Registrations Unlimited
Event Type Open to Everybody
Start Time 09:30 AM
End Time 01:00 PM

Session Schedule

Name Speaker Start Time End Time Resources
Automating Documentation, Presentation, Knowledge base using Markdown (Zero to Hero) Madhu Akula 09:30 AM 01:00 PM


No. 33, Prestige Dynasty Ulsoor Road, Sivanchetti Gardens
Yellappa Chetty Layout, Sivanchetti Gardens
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560042

  1. Please bring a Government issued ID card (Pan, Driving license, etc) for entry into the compound.
  2. Laptops have to be declared with serial numbers at the building security.