Call for Nominations!

null Global Committee elections are coming up! See the election repository for more information.

Null offensive hacking hands-on training.

Proposed sessions for this event:

  • Solving Web CTF challenges by Riyaz Walikar
Note: The session details including schedule are available below.

Solving Web CTF challenges


This will be a hands on session on the different approaches one can take when solving Web CTF challenges.

There will be active discussion on different approaches while trying our hands out on different Web CTF challenges of increasing difficulty.

Reading up/practicing before you come:

Hardware Pre-requisites (Mandatory)

  • A system capable of running Virtual Box. You can test this by installing Virtual Box and creating a test VM.
  • Atleast 2 GB of RAM
  • Atleast 2 GB of free space (to copy and import the VM that will be distributed)

Software Pre-requisites (Mandatory)

  • VirtualBox (Any version higher than 5.1). Please install this and come before the session. VMWare will not be supported.
  • Kali Linux
  • PuTTY to SSH into the VM. This is for Windows hosts.
  • BurpSuite free
  • Firefox with FoxyProxy Addon
Date Saturday April 15 2017
Chapter Bangalore
Registrations 50
Max Registrations 50
Event Type Invite Only
Start Time 10:00 AM
End Time 06:00 PM

Session Schedule

Name Speaker Start Time End Time Resources
Solving Web CTF challenges Riyaz Walikar 10:00 AM 06:00 PM


This is an invite only event. If you are selected you will receive further information via e-mail.