null Global Committee elections are coming up! See the election repository for more information.

Null offensive hacking hands-on training.

Proposed sessions for this event:

  • Extreme iOS App Pentesting and Security by Swaroop Yermalkar
  • Extreme iOS App Pentesting by Swaroop Yermalkar
Note: The session details including schedule are available below.

You can register by doing the following:
Click on the register button to register yourself for this session

Make sure you fill the Google form- Extreme iOS App Pentesting and Security Google form

Only the participants who have registered here AND filled the Google sheet will be considered for this session

Registrations will close on May 25th 10:00 PM. Only the participants who registered AND filled in the Google form will be sent a confirmation email with the venue details. Please note that this session is limited to 25 participants only and it's the prerogative of the champion to select the participants based on the responses received.

The confirmation/selection email will be sent by Wednesday May 26th 10:00 AM

Please read the following instructions carefully. This will enable us to have a smooth, hassle free session.

Abstract: iOS has become one of the most popular mobile operating systems with more than 1.4 million apps available in the iOS App Store. Some security weaknesses in any of these applications or on the system could mean that an attacker can get access to the device and retrieve sensitive information. This training will show you how to conduct a wide range of penetration tests on iOS applications to uncover vulnerabilities and strengthen the system from attacks.

This 6+ hrs session will help you conduct end to end pentesting of iOS Applications and will also help you to understand the security measures which needs to be taken. This training will also have CTF challenge where attendees will use their skills learnt in session. To attend this hands-on session, all you have to do is bring your macbook with XCode installed on it.

Who should attend
- Security Professionals
- Mobile Application Pentesters
- iOS Application Developers
- Security Architects
- People interested to start into iOS security

- Basic familiarity of iOS usage, installing / uninstalling apps,
- Basic knowledge of Application Security
- Basics of terminal / Linux commands

Hardware and Software Requirements (Mandatory)
- Macbook with root permission and Xcode Installed
- iPhone / iPad / iPod (jailbroken / non-jailbroken)

Date Saturday May 27 2017
Chapter Bangalore
Registrations 49
Max Registrations Unlimited
Event Type Invite Only
Start Time 09:30 AM
End Time 05:00 PM

Session Schedule

Name Speaker Start Time End Time Resources
Extreme iOS App Pentesting and Security Swaroop Yermalkar 09:30 AM 05:00 PM
Extreme iOS App Pentesting Swaroop Yermalkar 09:30 AM 05:00 PM


This is an invite only event. If you are selected you will receive further information via e-mail.