null meets are free for anyone to attend. There are absolutely no fees. Just come with an open mind and willingness to share and learn.

Proposed sessions for this event:

  • Information Security - Giant Opportunities by Prakash Bangaruchetti
  • Automated Wifi Pentesting by Lokesh Gupta
  • Diving in Digital 4n6 by Pranjal Vyas
  • Linux Privilege Escalation Techniques by Bhashit Pandya
  • Hands-on Challenge by Bhashit Pandya
Note: The session details including schedule are available below.
Date Sunday June 24 2018
Chapter Ahmedabad
Registrations 54
Max Registrations 60
Event Type Open to Everybody
Start Time 10:00 AM
End Time 02:00 PM

Session Schedule

Name Speaker Start Time End Time Resources
Introduction to Null Community 10:00 AM 10:15 AM
Information Security - Giant Opportunities Prakash Bangaruchetti 10:15 AM 11:15 AM
Automated Wifi Pentesting Lokesh Gupta 11:15 AM 12:00 PM
BreakPoint 12:00 PM 12:15 PM
Diving in Digital 4n6 Pranjal Vyas 12:15 PM 12:45 PM
Linux Privilege Escalation Techniques Bhashit Pandya 12:45 PM 01:15 PM
Hands-on Challenge Bhashit Pandya 01:15 PM 01:45 PM


3rd Floor, Block A, Ganesh Meridian, opp Kargil Petrol Pump,
S.G Highway, Sola,