null Global Committee elections are coming up! See the election repository for more information.

Null offensive hacking hands-on training.

Proposed sessions for this event:

  • Network Pentesting Humla for Beginners by Viswanathan R
Note: The session details including schedule are available below.

Announcing null Humla session “Network Pentesting Humla for Beginners". Like all null Bangalore Humla sessions, this is free but registration is compulsory. A group of participants will be selected based on the registrations since Humla is invite only and with prior registration and approval of the Humla champion. Here are the details:

Humla Title: Network Pentesting Humla for Beginners

Humla Champion: Viswanathan Rangaswamy

When: 6th December 2014, 10 AM - 6 PM

Registration Link:

Humla Description: This will be a completely hands on session on Network Pentesting for Beginners. The following topics will be covered:

An Introduction to Penetration Testing

## The Why and How


## Passive Reconnaissance
    ### Google search operators, GHDB
    ### Whois and reverse DNS lookups
    ### Shodan, Online port scanners
## Active Reconnaissance
    ### Samspade, Web data extractor


## Port scanning
    ### Half Open, Connect, Others
## Automated Vulnerability Assessment
    ### Plugin databases, OpenVAS


## Metasploit - exploits, payloads, auxiliary modules
    ### Meterpreter - system exploration and data exfiltration

Enumeration & Cracking

## Windows Network Enumeration using NetBIOS/SMB
## Enumeration using SNMP
## Windows Password Analysis and Cracking using LCP

Report writing

## What constitutes a good report?
## Criticality Index of findings


Note: Please make sure all the pre-requisites are up and running before the session starts. If you are facing any issues with setup, please try to come to the venue 30 mins before the session starts and get them fixed.


 * Laptop with minimum 4GB RAM.
 * VMWare Player installed. Please download using the below link:
 * Basic knowledge of OS, Networking and IP Address.

Registrations are not transferable. If you have been selected but are unable to attend, please inform the organizers. Your seat would be allotted to someone from the waiting list. Walk-in participants will not be allowed to attend this session.

Short Bio:

Viswanathan Rangaswamy -

Date Saturday December 06 2014
Chapter Bangalore
Registrations 93
Max Registrations Unlimited
Event Type Invite Only
Start Time 10:00 AM
End Time 06:00 PM

Session Schedule

Name Speaker Start Time End Time Resources
Network Pentesting Humla for Beginners Viswanathan R 10:00 AM 06:00 PM


This is an invite only event. If you are selected you will receive further information via e-mail.