null Global Committee elections are coming up! See the election repository for more information.

null meets are free for anyone to attend. There are absolutely no fees. Just come with an open mind and willingness to share and learn.

Proposed sessions for this event:

  • Life in Containers: The Big Picture by Pankaj Mouriya
  • Who are h4ck3rs and what they want by Siddharth Parasher
Note: The session details including schedule are available below.

Life in Containers: The Big Picture

Abstract :

In today's contemporary world, containers are one of the most trending and hottest topics in IT, wherever you go, you will find people talking about some shiny and new technologies and most of the time they're either talking about Docker, Kubernetes or are deploying it. It becomes very difficult to know from where to start and how to take your career to the next level in these shiny technologies. So, in today's session we will be talking about the Big Picture of Docker and Kubernetes. You will learn the basic fundamentals and how they work. After this session, you'll be able to get started with Docker and Kubernetes.




 * The Primer
 * Life in early days
 * then VMware
 * Welcome Containers  


  * Life without Docker
  * What is Docker
  * Docker on Linux
  * Architecture
  * Kernel Internals and Docker Engine
  * Working with Images
  * Docker basic Commands  


 * What is Kubernetes
 * Architecture

Who are h4ck3rs and what they want


  In this era, we are just into hacking without knowing the basics of hacking like who are hacker and  
  what they actually are. So, in this session we are going to discuss about the h4ck3rs and what they
  want. The terminologies they used and how they fool the users, all these things will be discussed in
  this session.


 * Introduction
 * Types of hackers
 * Targets
 * Techniques and methodologies
 * Dark Market
 * Bitcoins
 * Wrap Up and References 
Date Saturday July 06 2019
Chapter Chandigarh [Status - InActive]
Registrations 20
Max Registrations 80
Event Type Open to Everybody
Start Time 11:30 AM
End Time 02:30 PM

Session Schedule

Name Speaker Start Time End Time Resources
Life in Containers: The Big Picture Pankaj Mouriya 11:30 AM 01:20 PM
Who are h4ck3rs and what they want Siddharth Parasher 01:30 PM 02:30 PM


Trantor Software Pvt. Ltd.,Plot No. 52, Industrial Area Phase 2, Chandigarh