null Global Committee elections are coming up! See the election repository for more information.

Defensive Security event.

Proposed sessions for this event:

  • Machine Learning For InfoSec Day -1 by Tanisha Bhayani
  • Machine Learning For InfoSec Day -2 by Krupa Galiya
Note: The session details including schedule are available below.

NOTE: it's two-day bachaav
Dates: 17th and 18th August 2019
Timings: 10 am to 6 pm (Each Day)

Please register only if it is feasible to attend both the days, else give the chance to someone who can.
The event will solely be hands-on and hence, before a week the speaker will mail you installation guide and some material, so everyone has to come with prepared setup.

-Python basic of machine learning libraries
-What is Machine Learning? Differences between Machine learning/Deep Learning/Neural Networks/AI
-Types of ML: Supervised, unsupervised
-What are the features? Getting an idea for Feature Extraction.
-Linear regression
cost function
gradient descent
-Locally Weighted regression
-logistic regression
-Softmax regression
-Naïve Bayes hands-on Digit Recognizing with MNIS
images(Dog and Cat)
-Neural Network, Types of NN, The Perceptron
Writing first NN using Python

-Machine Learning for Email and SMS Spam detection.
-Machine Learning for Malware Analysis
-Machine Learning for Credit card fraud detection.
-Machine Learning for phishing detection.

Prerequisites for the Bachaav session:
-A good understanding of python
-Basic fundamentals of Linear Algebra and Probability Statistics.

Date Saturday August 17 2019
Chapter Ahmedabad
Registrations 37
Max Registrations Unlimited
Event Type Open to Everybody
Start Time 11:15 AM
End Time 06:00 PM

Session Schedule

Name Speaker Start Time End Time Resources
Machine Learning For InfoSec Day -1 Tanisha Bhayani 11:15 AM 06:00 PM
Machine Learning For InfoSec Day -2 Krupa Galiya 10:00 AM 06:00 PM


3rd Floor, Block A, Ganesh Meridian, opp Kargil Petrol Pump,
S.G Highway, Sola,