null Global Committee elections are coming up! See the election repository for more information.

General hands-on event.

Proposed sessions for this event:

  • IoT Hacking 101 by Appar Thusoo
Note: The session details including schedule are available below.

Title: IoT Hacking 101
Trainers: Appar Thusoo, Kartheek Lade, Hariprasad KV, Shakir Zari
Date: 27th Aug 2022
Time: Starts 10.30 AM IST

In this hands-on workshop, we will introduce the attendees to the realm of IoT security and will cover the basics of the following modules:
- Introduction to IoT Security
- IoT network protocol (MQTT)
- Attacking memories (SPI)
- Debug Protocol (JTAG)

Date Saturday August 27 2022
Chapter Pune
Registrations 29
Max Registrations 30
Event Type Invite Only
Start Time 10:30 AM
End Time 02:30 PM

Session Schedule

Name Speaker Start Time End Time Resources
IoT Hacking 101 Appar Thusoo 10:30 AM 02:30 PM


This is an invite only event. If you are selected you will receive further information via e-mail.