null meets are free for anyone to attend. There are absolutely no fees. Just come with an open mind and willingness to share and learn.

Proposed sessions for this event:

  • Darkweb Basics by Jayant Agarwal
  • Memory forensics for malware analysts by abhijit mohanta
  • Sql Injection by Suvendu Das
Note: The session details including schedule are available below.
Date Saturday August 26 2023
Chapter Bhubaneswar
Registrations 33
Max Registrations 50
Event Type Open to Everybody
Start Time 10:30 AM
End Time 01:30 PM

Session Schedule

Name Speaker Start Time End Time Resources
Introduction to Null Community 10:30 AM 10:45 AM
Darkweb Basics Jayant Agarwal 10:45 AM 11:30 AM
Memory forensics for malware analysts abhijit mohanta 11:30 AM 12:15 PM
Networking Break 12:15 PM 12:30 PM
Sql Injection Suvendu Das 12:30 PM 01:15 PM
Planning for Next Meet 01:15 PM 01:30 PM


InstaSafe Bhubaneswar,

531, 5th Floor, DLF Cybercity, Chandrasekharpur, Patia, Bhubaneswar - 751024