Getting Familiar With Android pen-test Tools null Ahmedabad Public Puliya 18 August 2018 Getting Familiar With Android PenTesting Tools
Understanding usage of tools like APKTool, D2J, JDGui, Jadx, APKSiger for Reverse engineering Android apk as part of static code analysis. If time permits HTTP/HTTPS interception using burp proxy.
Windows/Mac/Linux machine with
- Admin rights
- USB access
- Sufficient free disk space & RAM
- Java installed
- ADB (You can download standalone or Android Studio also contains ADB)
- APKTool (
- D2J (
- Jadx (
- apksigner (
(If you don't have android phone to download you can skip apksigner)
- Burp (
Starts at Saturday August 18 2018, 03:00 PM. The sessions runs for about 3 hours.