Packet Crafting in Scapy null Bangalore Meet 21 March 2015 Null/OWASP/G4H Monthly meet Bangalore
Beginner Level
Hands-on demo of packet-crafting techniques for attacking, scanning, and mapping networks using Scapy.
Topics to be covered roughly include:
- Intro to Packet crafting.
- Packet Formats.
- Intro to Packet crafting using Scapy.
- Demos(Port Scanning, OS finger printing, DNSfu, Fuzzing, WiFi tools).
- (Possibly)Scapy Internals.
- Moving forward.
The session is intended to be a hands on demo, audience who'd like to follow along can bring a laptop with following requirements:
- Running linux 2.x or 3.x with root privileges.
- python-setuptools (sudo apt-get install python-setuptools)
- scapy(easy_install scapy)
Starts at Saturday March 21 2015, 10:10 AM. The sessions runs for 35 minutes.