null Global Committee elections are coming up! See the election repository for more information.


This puliya session will cover some of the Sysinternals utilities from a security and administration perspective. Understanding the working of the Windows operating system is pivotal when performing pentests and the sysinternal utilities allow easy access to the internal operations and allow an attacker or an administrator to control a Windows machine with far greater agility.

There are 69 utilities in the list as of 10th January 2016. We may not be able to cover all of them but we will definitely experiment with the most common and important ones in our perspective.


  • As this is a Hands-On event Laptop is mandatory. Participants without laptops will not be allowed in for the puliya session.
  • A host or VM running Windows. Anything above Windows 7 would do.
  • The ability to run programs as administrator.
  • Download the Sysinternals suite


Riyaz Walikar

I like photography, stargazing, collecting stamps and fishing.


Starts at Saturday January 16 2016, 03:15 PM. The sessions runs for about 3 hours.
