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Date Topic Speaker Resources
2020-12-27 Meet Ahmedabad Quiz - 1 Kuldeep Pandya
2020-12-27 Meet Ahmedabad Web Cache Poisoning Mitul Patel
2020-12-27 Meet Ahmedabad Working of padding oracle Sanjay Gondaliya
2020-12-19 Meet Mumbai AWS Security Audit Dhiraj Datar
2020-12-19 Meet Mumbai Content Security Policy(CSP) - A Developer’s saviour for client side security Amol
2020-12-19 Meet Mumbai UDP Hunter - Network Assessment Tool Savan Gadhiya
2020-12-19 Meet Mumbai Android Application Analyzer Sanjay Gondaliya
2020-11-29 Meet Bhopal Bloodhound Beyond Gui And Building Custom Cypher Queries Soumyadeep Basu
2020-11-22 Meet Ahmedabad Hypervisors For Fun and Profit Adhokshaj Mishra
2020-11-22 Meet Ahmedabad Getting started with API Hacking Satyam Gothi
2020-11-22 Meet Ahmedabad Attacking Postmessage () armaan pathan
2020-11-07 Bachaav Bangalore Network Forensics Bhavik
2020-10-31 Meet Ahmedabad CTF Ravi Kariya
2020-10-31 Meet Ahmedabad InfoSec Quiz Pooja Plavilla
2020-10-31 Meet Ahmedabad Android RE [UXSS, LFI, Local File Steal] Dheeraj Madhukar
2020-10-31 Meet Chennai Hands-on Session on SSH tunnels vengatesh
2020-10-31 Meet Ahmedabad Fundamental Principles of RF Security Harshit Agrawal
2020-10-31 Meet Ahmedabad Null Introduction Jaimin Gohel
2020-10-28 Meet Doha Threat Hunting: Uncovering the tracks of an attack Sheik Fareed
2020-10-18 Workshop Bhopal Kubernetes - Overview and exploitation Shikhar Joshi
2020-10-03 Meet Delhi NCR AWS S3 and how to secure them Ankit Saini
2020-09-25 Meet Dubai Android Dynamic Analysis using House Aneesh Anil Kumar
2020-09-25 Meet Dubai Attacking Postmessage() armaan pathan
2020-09-20 Meet Bhopal Broken Cryptography & Account Takeovers Harsh Bothra
2020-09-20 Meet Bhopal Exploiting Stack Based Buffer Overflow Swaroop Yermalkar
2020-09-20 Meet Ahmedabad Pentesting GraphQL Aashee Shrivastava
2020-09-20 Meet Ahmedabad Walk of Malware Analyst Part - 1 Malav Vyas
2020-09-20 Meet Ahmedabad Don't Be Afraid it's Just AMSI Mohd maroof
2020-08-29 Meet Bangalore Uncovering badness using Passive DNS Swapneel Patnekar
2020-08-21 Meet Dubai Firewall Rule-Set and Configuration Review Sukesh Shetty
2020-08-21 Meet Dubai OT Security Testing Samrat Das
2020-08-15 Meet Mumbai Security Operations Center : Then and Now Bhaven
2020-08-15 Meet Mumbai UAV Forensic Analysis Navid Kagalwalla
2020-08-09 Meet Ahmedabad Quiz Time - 2 Kuldeep Pandya
2020-08-09 Meet Ahmedabad Quiz Time - 1 Pooja Plavilla
2020-08-09 Meet Ahmedabad Escalation and Exploitation in Kubernetes Bhumika Bhatt
2020-08-09 Meet Ahmedabad Inception into enterprise security Ankit Joshi
2020-08-09 Meet Ahmedabad Deep dive into SSRF Purvi Sureshchandr Makwana
2020-08-09 Meet Ahmedabad Advance injection अध्याय 3 _RaviRamesh
2020-08-08 Humla Bangalore Moderating the event Mihir Shah
2020-07-25 Workshop Bangalore Integration Mr-IoT
2020-07-25 Meet Chennai Introduction to Malware Analysis and Reversing Daniel Raj
2020-07-25 Meet Chennai OSINT CTF Live Walkthrough Aananth kumar
2020-07-25 Meet Doha Applying OWASP Web Security Testing Guide Vandana Verma
2020-07-25 Workshop Bangalore Briefing Riddhi Shree
2020-07-18 Meet Bhopal DNS Firewalls - Using DNS as a layer of defense Swapneel Patnekar
2020-07-18 Meet Dubai Code Security Review Bhishm Narula
2020-07-18 Meet Dubai Data Privacy in the new normal Shrikant Antre
2020-07-18 Meet Mumbai Domain persistence - ACL Mohd maroof
2020-07-18 Meet Mumbai Reconnaissance - Bug Hunting Perspective Kirankumar Subuddi