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General hands-on event.

Proposed sessions for this event:

  • Essentials of Malware Analysis by Preet kamal
  • Exploitation of JSON Web token by Mohit Vohra
Note: The session details including schedule are available below.

Workshop : Essentials of Malware Analysis by Preet Kamal

    From a self-replicating computer program in the 1950s to malware like emotnet, ransomware, stuxnet, titanium in 2019,  these have infected one-third of the       world's computer. Malware analysis is the art of dissecting malware to understand how it works, how to identify it, and how to defeat or eliminate it. This talk covers the essentials of malware analysis and learning various techniques used by malware to achieve their malicious tasks using P.E and disassembler tools.

Table of Content

  * Introduction.
  * Tracking data.
       Data flow.
       Understanding Stack.
  * Analysing P.E File Format.
       P.E View.
       How P.E is abused.
  * Injection.
       Process Injection.
       Dll Injection.
       Process Replacement.
  * Covert Malware Launching.
       Static Analysis.
       IDA Pro.

Talk : Exploitation of Json Web Tokens by Mohit Vohra

Table of Content

      • What is JWT?
      • Why there is need for it in industry?
      • Architecture of JSON Web token.
      • Penetrating and Exploiting JWT.
Date Sunday November 17 2019
Chapter Chandigarh [Status - InActive]
Registrations 5
Max Registrations Unlimited
Event Type Invite Only
Start Time 11:30 AM
End Time 02:00 PM

Session Schedule

Name Speaker Start Time End Time Resources
Essentials of Malware Analysis Preet kamal 11:30 AM 01:00 PM
Exploitation of JSON Web token Mohit Vohra 01:15 PM 02:00 PM


This is an invite only event. If you are selected you will receive further information via e-mail.