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Defensive Security event.

Proposed sessions for this event:

  • Deep Dive into Container Security & Hardening by Rohit Kumar
Note: The session details including schedule are available below.

Workshop: Deep Dive into Container Security & Hardening


Welcome to the "Deep Dive into Container Security & Hardening" workshop! In this workshop, we will explore best practices for creating secure container images using Docker. We will also delve into vulnerability scanning for Docker images, how to identify and fix security issues, and how to harden containers to meet Security


  • To make the most of this workshop, it is recommended to have some experience with using CLI tools and basic Linux commands. However, even if you are a beginner, you can still benefit from this workshop.
  • All you need is a laptop with at least 8GB of memory and an internet connection. Before the workshop, please ensure you have Docker installed on your machine by following the installation instructions provided below:

Docker Installation

Workshop Topics

1. Building Secure Containers:

  • Best practices for building secure container images
  • Implementing security measures in Dockerfiles
  • Securing container configurations and dependencies

2. Container and Docker Image Scanning:

  • Introduction to vulnerability scanning of containers and Docker images
  • Overview of popular scanning tools
  • Demonstration of scanning for security issues

3. Fixing Container Issues:

  • Identifying common security issues in containers
  • Strategies for addressing vulnerabilities and weaknesses
  • Patching and updating containers to ensure security

4. Hardening Docker Containers for Compliance:

  • Understanding regulatory compliance standards
  • Security measures for meeting compliance requirements
  • Implementing container hardening techniques

Workshop Format

Throughout the workshop, we will combine theoretical knowledge with practical demonstrations. You will have the opportunity to follow along with the instructor's examples on your own laptop. There will also be hands-on exercises to reinforce your understanding and build confidence in working with secure containers.

Workshop Conclusion

By the end of this workshop, you will have gained a solid understanding of how to build secure containers. You will know how to scan Docker images for vulnerabilities, fix security issues, and harden containers to meet compliance standards.

Let's get started! If you have any questions during the workshop, feel free to ask the instructor for assistance. Happy containerizing!

Date Saturday July 29 2023
Chapter Bangalore
Registrations 30
Max Registrations 30
Event Type Invite Only
Start Time 09:30 AM
End Time 04:00 PM

Session Schedule

Name Speaker Start Time End Time Resources
Deep Dive into Container Security & Hardening Rohit Kumar 09:30 AM 04:00 PM


This is an invite only event. If you are selected you will receive further information via e-mail.