[email protected]
Rahul (c0dist) currently leads the Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) Engineering team. With over a decade of experience in aggregating and contextualizing various threats, he's a seasoned threat intelligence practitioner. Rahul has presented and conducted workshops at several international conferences, including Blackhat Arsenal, Nullcon, PHDays, Seasides, c0c0n, and BSides. He's also contributed to multiple open-source security projects, such as the SHIVA spampot and Detux Linux sandbox. Rahul's passions lie in information security, automation, human behavior, and—of course—breaking things.
AttendeeSunday May 28 2017 Meet Bhopal
SpeakerSunday May 28 2017 Meet Bhopal
SpeakerSunday August 14 2016 Meet Bhopal
AttendeeSaturday May 07 2016 Meet Pune
SpeakerSaturday May 07 2016 Meet Pune
AttendeeSaturday April 16 2016 Meet Pune
SpeakerSaturday February 27 2016 Puliya Pune
AttendeeSaturday February 20 2016 Meet Pune
AttendeeSaturday December 12 2015 Meet Pune
SpeakerSaturday December 12 2015 Meet Pune
AttendeeSaturday November 28 2015 Meet Pune
SpeakerSaturday November 28 2015 Meet Pune
AttendeeSaturday October 10 2015 Meet Pune