null Global Committee elections are coming up! See the election repository for more information.

Null offensive hacking hands-on training.

Proposed sessions for this event:

  • Reconnaissance & OSINT - CTF edition by Bharath
Note: The session details including schedule are available below.

Reconnaissance & OSINT - CTF edition

Reconnaissance phase is the heart of any secuity assessment. A comprehensive and well executed recon/discovery phase will make you more effective and efficient in your security assessment. Having a good coverage during the discovery phase ensures that you are not missing out any assets that are in scope may it be a traditional VA/PT or bug bounty exercise.

This session act as a hands-on introduction to reconnaissance tools and techniques. In this session, you'll get to learn and practice common reconnaissance tools and techniques.

This session will have two parts -

Part 1 - An intro to reconnaissance/OSINT

In this part, you'll be introduced to reconnaissance/OSINT and their significance during a security assessment.

You'll be introduced to common reconnaissance techniques and tools. You'll also be introduced to OSINT and how to leverage OSINT during security assessments.

Part 2 - Capture The Flag (CTF)

In this part, you'll be provided a target organisation (fictional). Your objective is to perform passive recon against the target and find as many flags as you can.

What you need to know (Skill prerequisites)

  • Basic knowledge of Linux command line utilities (like ls, cd, grep, chmod, jq etc.)
  • Know to SSH into a remote machine

What you'll need to bring?

  • A laptop
  • SSH client on the base Operating System (Linux has SSH client by default. Windows users can use PuTTY)
  • A working payment enabled AWS account - Mandatory
    • This is necessary for two reasons:
      • To avoid VirtualBox trouble, we'll be using an ec2 machine with all the tools installed as attacker machine)
      • A working AWS account is necessary for performing AWS related recon (Make sure uou login into the AWS account and Go to Services EC2. This service should load. If you see that your account is on hold, please talk to CustomerCare and enable your account.)
  • Your own Internet connectivity - Mandatory (You need Internet connection to do the exercises, additional reading and play CTF)


  • Session starts at 9:30 AM
  • Intro/Setup and initial session: 9:30 AM till 10:45
  • Break: 10:45 AM - 11 AM
  • Session: 11 AM - 1 PM
  • Lunch: 1 PM - 2 PM
  • CTF: 2 PM - 5:30 PM
Date Saturday May 11 2019
Chapter Bangalore
Registrations 45
Max Registrations 50
Event Type Invite Only
Start Time 09:30 AM
End Time 05:30 PM

Session Schedule

Name Speaker Start Time End Time Resources
Reconnaissance & OSINT - CTF edition Bharath 09:00 AM 06:00 PM


This is an invite only event. If you are selected you will receive further information via e-mail.